On the Issues

Healthcare and Public Safety

David believes that no one should be forced into debt just to access the lifesaving healthcare or prescription drugs that they need. He knows firsthand that the costs associated with healthcare are far too high and oftentimes hurt patients. This past year, David waged and won a battle with cancer. In treatment, one of the lifesaving prescriptions he needed cost over $10,000 out of pocket, even with insurance. That is why David will fight for policies that increase access to healthcare, decrease costs, and hold drug companies accountable for inflated prescription prices.

The Opioid Epidemic

David’s years as Fire Chief have given him first hand experience in understanding the challenges Maine communities face due to the Opioid Crisis. David has experience handling not only overdoses and rehabilitating drugs, but balancing the budget required to fund the resources necessary for rehabilitation and recovery. David sees the challenges that recovering addicts and their loved ones face through addiction and even as they attempt to restart their lives. Many Mainers recovering from a drug addiction are unable to receive treatment in state due to a lack of funding and facilities to handle all cases, so David wants to see more money be allocated to mental health services in Maine along with rehabilitation programs which help recovering addicts reclaim their lives. As your State Senator, David will work with all lawmakers to ensure Mainers are able to get the help they need.


As the son of a public school teacher, David understands the value and importance of a strong public education. As graduates of the Winslow school system, David and his wife also put their children through the Winslow School District, where their grandchildren now attend. This is why David strongly supports policies that will help our local schools, students, and educators, including programs to provide meals to every student, even during summer vacation. School safety has always been a priority for David. In his role as Fire Chief, he developed a comprehensive training program for Police, Fire, and EMS for Kennebec and Somerset Counties, along with the Tactical Commander of the Maine State Police to help with school safety issues in Waterville and Winslow.

Reproductive Rights

David believes that nobody should be able to force their religious or personal preferences over a person’s right to bodily autonomy, and that politicians and insurance companies should have no hand in determining a person’s decision to have or not have a child. David pays attention, and knows that contraception, mental health treatments, and prenatal care are all being threatened with bans and restrictions by many southern states. He also knows that Maine women are not immune to these attacks, especially if we do not have the right people representing them in Augusta. As your State Senator, David plans on supporting legislation that preserves a person’s right to choose, and leaves all options on the table for pregnant folks. He believes that every person should have equal and affordable access through MaineCare to abortion, contraception, birth control, and other services pertaining to reproductive rights.

Economic Development and Jobs

David knows that regional economic development is important for our community to thrive. As a former employer and job creator, David knows what it takes to create good-paying jobs in the area. That’s why David supports policies that support our local businesses while also attracting new businesses to come to the region.

Property Tax Relief

As Fire Chief, David administered over $2 million in annual budgets for Waterville and Winslow. David knows what it takes to balance a budget, but he also knows that many of the municipal services we depend on –libraries, parks, fire departments, and safe roads – fall on the backs of local property taxpayers. That’s why David supports increasing Municipal Revenue Sharing to keep property taxes in check while also funding vital public services.